Our Range of Pastries

The Taste of Tradition in Every Bite


Unveiling Delightful Layers of Tradition

In the heart of the Caucasus, from the lands of Armenia where mountains touch the sky and the air is filled with whispers of ancient tales, a culinary treasure known as Soubereg emerges—a dish that captures the essence of a region’s heritage through its intricate layers and captivating flavors.

Soubereg is a canvas of cultural richness and culinary artistry. This masterpiece begins with thin sheets of dough, meticulously rolled and stretched to create layers as delicate as a whispered secret. Each layer embodies the patient craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations, a testament to the dedication of those who cherish tradition.

As the layers of dough are generously brushed with butter or oil, they transform into a mosaic of textures that sing as they bake. A filling of cheese and herbs finds its place between these tender sheets, infusing each bite with a medley of flavors that dance harmoniously across the palate. The assembly of these layers is a work of precision and love, reflecting the bond between generations and the desire to preserve the tastes of the past.

With each bite, you experience the marriage of crisp, golden layers and the velvety richness of the filling. The flavors intertwine, creating a symphony that tells stories of nomadic journeys, bustling bazaars, and the gatherings that have shaped the region’s identity.

Soubereg is a living history, its preparation reflecting the values of patience and perseverance, echoing the resilience of a region that has weathered the storms of time. The flavors that burst forth from its layers carry echoes of traditions that have been nurtured, honored, and passed from hand to hand.

Cheese Rolls

A Delectable Tale of Crispy Delight

In the heart of Middle Eastern and Armenian cuisine, a culinary treasure known as Cheese Rolls, or Rakakat, unfolds—a creation that combines simplicity and sophistication to craft a symphony of textures and flavors. These delicate rolls, crafted from thin layers of pastry, encase a velvety filling of cheese, inviting all who taste them on a journey of indulgence and delight.

Cheese Rolls are a celebration of contrasts. The outer layers of pastry, meticulously rolled to achieve the perfect crispness, create a whisper of anticipation as they crumble under your touch. The cheese filling, rich and creamy, offers a counterpoint of smoothness that melts on the tongue, creating a harmony that is as delightful as it is unforgettable.

As the layers of pastry lovingly embrace the cheese, they form an edible testament to the artisans who have mastered the art of rakakat-making. The process is akin to a dance of creativity and technique, where tradition meets innovation to produce a delicacy that bridges generations. These rolls, with their golden hue and inviting aroma, pay homage to kitchens where culinary secrets are passed from hand to hand.

Savoring Cheese Rolls is a journey through layers of history. With each bite, you’re savoring the memories of bustling markets, bustling kitchens, and family feasts. The cheese, often chosen for its tanginess and depth, whispers tales of grazing lands and pastoral landscapes that have contributed to its creation.

Soujouk Cheese Rolls

A Savory Symphony of Spicy Goodness
Mamig’s Soujouk Cheese Rolls emerge as a culinary delight, offering a unique twist on the classic cheese roll. These savory creations blend the robust flavors of soujouk, a traditional spicy sausage, with the creamy richness of cheese, all wrapped in delicate layers of pastry.

Mamig’s Soujouk Cheese Rolls are a celebration of flavor and texture. The outer pastry, baked to a perfect golden crisp, provides a satisfying crunch that contrasts beautifully with the soft, savory filling. The spicy notes of the soujouk intermingle with the smooth cheese, creating a dynamic taste experience that is both bold and comforting.

Each roll is a testament to the art of culinary craftsmanship. The process of making these rolls is a meticulous one, where the balance of flavors and textures is carefully calibrated. The spicy and aromatic soujouk pairs harmoniously with the creamy cheese, offering a bite that is both hearty and refined.

Enjoying Mamig’s Soujouk Cheese Rolls is more than just a taste experience; it’s a journey through tradition and innovation. Each bite tells a story of heritage, from the rich history of Middle Eastern cuisine to the modern touches that make these rolls a standout. The golden-brown pastry and the tantalizing aroma invite you to savor a moment of culinary bliss, where every bite is a testament to the love and skill poured into these delicious rolls.


Delicate Pockets of Culinary Artistry

In the heartland where the ancient Silk Road threads its way through history, a culinary marvel known as Mante emerges—a dish that encapsulates the finesse, flavors, and cultural tapestry of Central Asia. These delicate pockets of dough, meticulously filled and adorned with a symphony of sauces, offer a tantalizing journey into a world where each bite holds a story.

Mante is a testament to the patience and skill of those who craft it. The dough is rolled with precision, thin as whispers, yet sturdy enough to cradle the treasures within. Each pocket houses a mixture of seasoned meat, a blend that mirrors the diversity of the land, connecting traditions that span across borders.

As Mante are assembled, they become a canvas of artistry. The act of folding and pinching, of forming these tiny parcels, is a labor of love that honors the culinary heritage of Central Asia. It’s a tribute to the hands that have passed down the technique, generation after generation, preserving flavors that are as old as time.

The culmination comes when the Mante, gently steamed or boiled, emerge with a promise of taste and aroma. These dumplings, adorned with the care and attention they deserve, beckon with their fragrance, drawing diners into a sensory embrace. A drizzle of sauce, often a yogurt or tomato-based creation, lends its unique touch, transforming each bite into an explosion of flavors that tell a tale of ancient trade routes and culinary exchange.

Chich Barak

Dumplings of Heartwarming Tradition

Nestled within the culinary mosaic of the Levant, there exists a dish that whispers stories of family gatherings, cherished recipes, and the embrace of shared meals—Chich Barak. These delicate dumplings, filled with tender meat and embraced by a savory broth, capture the essence of a region where food is an expression of love and heritage.

Chich Barak is an embodiment of the Levantine soul. The dough, rolled to a delicate thinness, encapsulates the care and attention that go into crafting each dumpling. As these pockets of flavor are gently folded around the filling, they become vessels of anticipation, ready to release their treasures into the broth.

Immersing Chich Barak in a fragrant broth is a ritual that transcends generations. The aroma of the simmering liquid carries notes of warmth and nostalgia, evoking memories of bustling kitchens and the laughter of loved ones. As the dumplings cook, they swell with the promise of comfort, each one becoming a reservoir of flavors that speak of family, tradition, and the joy of coming together.

Savoring Chich Barak is like holding a piece of history in your hands. With each bite, you’re partaking in a tradition that has been passed down through generations, a dance of flavors that has stood the test of time. The meat filling, tender and succulent, speaks of a region’s affinity for elevating humble ingredients into culinary masterpieces.

Cheese Puff Pastry

A Savory Sonata of Elegance

 In the realm of culinary enchantment, where dough is transformed into art and flavors dance on the palate, emerges a masterpiece known as Cheese Puff Pastry. This creation, a delicate balance of flaky layers and savory cheese, weaves together a symphony of textures and tastes that speak to the heart of indulgence and sophistication.

Cheese Puff Pastry is a manifestation of the alchemy that happens when skill meets imagination. Each layer of pastry is a testament to the craft, meticulously crafted to achieve the perfect balance of crispness and tenderness. The filling, a decadent blend of cheese that oozes with every bite, lends a luxurious creaminess that is both comforting and indulgent.

As the layers of pastry rise and unfurl in the heat of the oven, they create a visual spectacle that mirrors the anticipation of the senses. The aroma that escapes as cheese and pastry meld in the heat is an invitation that tantalizes even before the first bite. Each piece is a canvas, adorned with golden hues that hint at the delights within.

Cheese Puff Pastry is a fusion of comfort and luxury. The cheese, carefully chosen for its depth and tanginess, elevates the pastry from everyday treat to a moment of sheer delight. Each bite becomes an ode to the pleasure of savoring life’s small indulgences.

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